… and this happened!

Since starting Weimaraner Rescue approximately 3 years ago, we have been growing in visibility and opportunities to help and support weimaraners across South Africa has grown tremendously.  We have a fantastic team of volunteers and supporters that make our jobs so much easier and registering to operate as a NPO was the natural next step.  A lot of investigation and help resulted in us receiving our NPO registration documents last week and we have now opened the bank account for Weimaraner Rescue.  The plan is to deal with the SARS registration next week which hopefully will be quick and painless.  Once this is complete all donations towards Weimaraner Rescue will be tax-deductible and should enable corporates to support us as well!

I really have to thank each and every one of our volunteers and supporters because without you this would not have been possible.  Watch this space for more news over the coming weeks


Michelle & the rescue team

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